Here is the basic concept of how this strategy works. After this brief overview I will explain a lot more in a lot more detail. For those of you who are beginners, if you get confused with any of the terms in this brief overview then don’t worry about it, I’ll explain better later. This is intended to provide an overview of the trading strategy.
For over a year of trading and watching the Forex markets I noticed something interesting, which anyone who pays attention to the markets should have noticed. Usually everyday, and often more than once a day, the currency pair will be moving along slowly (sideways movement, consolidation) and then all of a sudden it JUMPS! It very quickly moves up ten or more pips, usually in just a minute, and often continues to move strongly for another hour or so.
This is due to the release of a “Fundamental Announcement”, and of course any experienced trader should understand that they usually create a market movement.
I’ve played around trying to capitalize on these movements, and over time have come up with the perfect strategy to do just that. I don’t know why somebody hasn’t come up with this strategy before. Maybe some traders out there have figured this out, but I don’t know of anyone who is selling this strategy. Either they are jealously keeping the secret to themselves, or they are so busy with the hundreds of other more complicated systems that they simply overlooked this simple yet powerful strategy.
Note added after initial release of this eBook: I did independently invent the system I’m presenting here; never having heard of anyone doing anything similar. Since the release of this eBook I have encountered a few very “experienced” traders who have used a similar variation of this technique. So now I am aware of the fact that a few others are “clued in” on this kind of strategy, but am pleased to say that I’ve been told that though they were aware of the general idea they loved the
SPECIFICS I go into explaining EXACTLY HOW to do this with “razor precision”. Most people who already got this eBook expressed amazement at how simply powerful this system is, and wondered why they never thought of it or heard of it themselves (and this is said by experienced traders). I’m pleased to say that many people wrote to me to express their gratitude and that they are very impressed with this system.
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