Recents in Beach

The Ed Ponsi Forex Playbook: Strategies and Trade Set-Ups

Acouple of years ago, I received an e-mail from a person who claimed to be a publisher. He’d heard me speak at a conference and wanted to know if I’d be interested in writing a book. My first thought was that this was a practical joke; after

all, real writers work hard all their lives for such an opportunity, and here it was, unsolicited, knocking on my door. The eventual result of this conversation was my first book,

Forex Patterns and Probabilities (John Wiley & Sons, 2007), one of the most popular

books written to date on the subject of currency trading.

As I write now nearly three years after the first book’s release, “FPAP” is still going

strong and so are sales of the FXEducator DVDs, and I am constantly amazed at the

reaction they have received. The book’s success is even more incredible because unlike

many of the other titles on the subject of Forex, there are no market makers or Forex

brokers pushing it to their clients. I credit the success of “FPAP” to word of mouth:

People love the book and tell their friends, who also love it. I have received many e-mails

and letters from readers expressing their appreciation for “FPAP,” and I just want to

humbly and sincerely thank all of you for your kind support.

I’ve always thought of trading as a sport, and like many of my readers, I’ve played

on amateur sports teams (my favorites are baseball, American football, and ice hockey)

and I’m a sports fan. I’m sure many of you have noted the similarities between sports and

trading, and it does seem that many traders are former athletes or at least athletically


One of the main differences between sports and trading is that most of us do not

have a trading “coach.” Trading is often a solitary occupation, and there is no designated

person to lead us through the wilderness and on to victory.

This book is organized into five parts: Part I, “Training Camp,” contains basic but

vital information to lay the groundwork for your success. The next part, “Scoring Points,”

delves into more advanced trading concepts. Then Part III, “Winning the Championship,”

deals with specific techniques that will give your trading an edge. Part IV, “Commitment

to Excellence,” presents more advanced money-making trading concepts, and in the final

section, “Staying in Shape,” the reader learns which situations to avoid in order to enjoy

a long and successful trading career.


 Preface xv

PART I Training Camp 1

CHAPTER 1 We Practice Like We Play 3

A Series of Habits 4

Rules to Live By 5

From the Minors to the Majors 5

Money on My Mind 7

CHAPTER 2 The Playing Field 9

Two of a Kind 9

The Manager 11

Under My Thumb 11

The Coaching Staff 12

A Team without a Manager 13

Other Notable Currencies 13

Commonly Traded Currency Pairs 13

Other Notable Currency Pairs 13

Who Decides? 13

Method to the Madness 15

Spot and Futures Markets 16

Let’s Get Physical 16

Continual Linked Settlement 16

CHAPTER 3 Calculations and Standardizations 19

Lot Size 19

Pip Value 20

Pip Calculation 21

First Currency = 1 21

Position: Long, Short, or Flat 22

Long One, Short the Other 23

The Chart Tracks the Base Currency 24

Margin Requirements 25

Leverage 26


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